Best Time to Take Cordyceps Mushrooms - HONE
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Best Time to Take Cordyceps Mushrooms

  • 14 min read

Best Time to Take Cordyceps Mushrooms - HONE

Cordyceps mushrooms have been a staple in traditional Chinese medicine for the past few millennia due. Despite their popularity, there is still some debate about the best time to consume cordyceps mushrooms. 

Article jumplinks:

What is cordyceps?

Health benefits of cordyceps

What is the best time to take cordyceps?

When should I take cordyceps before a workout?

Can I take cordyceps every day?

How long does it take for cordyceps to kick in?

How much cordyceps should I take?

What is the best cordyceps supplement?

Keep reading to get the scoop on when, how, and why you should add cordyceps to your daily routine. 

What is Cordyceps Militaris?

Cordyceps militaris is a fungus of the genus Cordyceps, which contains over 600 species of cordyceps mushrooms. It has been used for millennia in traditional Chinese medicine due to its exceptional health benefits. 

Cordyceps Militaris

Cordyceps is packed with bioactive compounds that have different chemical structures, but they all work for the same goal: to maintain homeostasis and improve health. The top three bioactive compounds found in cordyceps mushrooms are cordycepin, adenosine, and polysaccharides, but the mushroom is rich in other nutrients and antioxidants like:

  1. Ergosterol
  2. Nucleosides
  3. Cytosine
  4. Uracil
  5. Thymine
  6. Peptides 
  7. Tryptophan 

Cordyceps mushrooms are adaptogenic. These bioactive substances help our bodies maintain homeostasis and respond (adapt) to physical, emotional, and environmental stress. 

Health Benefits of Cordyceps Mushrooms

The Chinese have long believed that cordyceps can be used to treat a variety of ailments. In traditional Chinese medicine, cordyceps mushrooms have been classified as a “tonic herb” because of their potential to strengthen and rejuvenate the body and mind. They have been used to treat conditions like kidney dysfunction, respiratory problems, and fatigue. 

Here’s the lowdown on how the powerful active compounds of Cordyceps militaris can boost your health. For a more comprehensive look at why cordyceps is good for you, read our in-depth analysis of the health benefits of cordyceps mushrooms

The Best Time to Take Cordyceps

Cordyceps rejuvenates the body and mind

Because of their energy-boosting properties, the best time to consume cordyceps mushrooms is in the morning or early afternoon. Avoid taking cordyceps later in the day, as it may interfere with your sleep. 

Cordyceps militaris is a functional mushroom. Functional mushrooms provide nutrition and support for your body, so it’s important to consume them regularly. The longer you consume cordyceps, the greater the cordyceps benefits you’ll experience.

Are you in need of a healthy way to include cordyceps in your everyday routine? Try adding our cordyceps matcha powder to your morning routine for an invigorating boost. Whether you’re looking for a healthy cognitive booster, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, or just want to support your digestive tract, our organic cordyceps supplementation is just what you need. So go ahead and blend it in a smoothie or make a nice cup of cordyceps tea for a nutritious head start. 

When Should I Take Cordyceps Before Working Out?

Cordyceps is a natural energy booster. According to recent research, cordyceps can replenish energy and aid ATP generation in mitochondrial cells. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the so-called “energy molecule,” essential for synthesizing energy at the cellular level. Taking cordyceps supplementation regularly might improve exercise performance and naturally increase energy levels. 

Cordyceps can also boost athletic performance and endurance by improving oxygen uptake. In one trial, cordyceps has been shown to raise VO2 max, a measurement of how much oxygen a person can consume during exercise. The findings showed that “after taking [cordyceps] for 6 weeks, VO2 max... were significantly increased, whereas after placebo application they were unchanged.” The VO2 max test is important to determine one’s cardiovascular fitness and endurance, so boosting its levels may lead to better exercise performance. 

The best time to consume cordyceps and reap its athletic-boosting benefits is one hour to thirty minutes before working out. On rest days, you can take it in the morning with your well-balanced breakfast or an indulgent lunch. 

Can I Take Cordyceps Every Day?

Cordyceps is completely safe to take daily, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t add cordyceps mushroom supplements to your day-to-day wellness routine. 

A small minority of people might experience some milder side effects when consuming cordyceps for the first time. These might include:

  • Nausea 
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach

In fact, the side effects of consuming cordyceps mushrooms for the first time aren’t that different from consuming any other mushroom, spice, or herb for the first time. 

These side effects subside quickly, but if they persist after a day or two, stop using the mushroom products and consult with a healthcare professional. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to get pregnant, speak with your doctor before adding cordyceps to your diet. 

How Long Does It Take for Cordyceps to Kick In?

Because Cordyceps militaris is water-soluble (dissolved in water), you should be able to feel the effects of the mushrooms almost immediately. Your body will fully absorb the water-soluble compounds (like cordycepin) in cordyceps within 24–48 hours. After about a week or two of regular ingestion, you should be able to experience an improvement in your overall health. 

Mushroom Matcha - 30 Serving Jar

With our 30-serving jar of cordyceps goodness, you have 30 great reasons to start with the best cordyceps tea today. 

How Much Cordyceps Should I Take?

Each person has a unique reason for incorporating cordyceps mushrooms into their diets, but the serving amount is a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. 

If you intend to use cordyceps on a regular basis, stick to the prescribed dosage. 1–3 grams of cordyceps powder is the recommended amount of cordyceps to take daily. That’s about a ½ to 1 teaspoon of our cordyceps matcha powder. Mix the powder with a cup of hot water, add a splash of milk to spice things up, and enjoy a warm beverage packed with antioxidants, nutrients, and pure deliciousness.

Most fungi-fanatics choose to take their cordyceps supplements around the same time every day in order to achieve the best results. 

What is the Best Cordyceps Supplement?

Let’s not beat around the bush. We know our cordyceps tea is the best. Our premium mushroom supplements contain the finest organic Cordyceps militaris and matcha. This powerful blend supports stamina, mental cognition, stress reduction, and overall health. 

Our organic mushrooms are grown in optimal conditions for higher concentrations of bioactive compounds. Our matcha is shade-grown in Japan for optimal flavor profile and nutrient density. This tea is packed with vitamins, enzymes, essential amino acids like L-theanine, and everything else you need to propel your body to excellence and health. 

Let our organic cordyceps mushroom tea guide you on your wellness journey and order a jar of the best mushroom powder.

Learn more about our ingredients and why Hone is the best matcha mushroom blend out there. 

Cordyceps Mushrooms FAQ

Do you take cordyceps with or without food?

Cordyceps mushrooms can be taken with or without food. The best time of day to consume cordyceps is in the morning or early afternoon. 

  • If you’re consuming raw cordyceps mushrooms, feel free to add them to your omelet or savory oatmeal, or prepare a delicious lunch with a pinch of cordyceps powder. 
  • Some people prefer cordyceps capsules, which they drink with a glass of water or milk with their breakfast. 
  • Others mix a few drops of cordyceps tincture into their porridge, smoothie, or soup.
  • Taking cordyceps in tincture or capsule form is fine, but nothing beats our aromatic  cordyceps tea. You can drink it with breakfast, lunch, or to help you get through the midday slump. Our mushroom matcha tea packets are perfect for a boost of energy early in the morning. 

Whichever cordyceps product you choose, make sure you don’t ingest it on an empty stomach. You may experience some mild side effects, such as diarrhea or an upset stomach, when you take cordyceps without a snack beforehand. 

Don’t forget that morning is the best time of the day to take cordyceps—the sooner you pump your body with energy and nutritious goodies, the better!

How often should I consume cordyceps?

If you’re consuming between one and three grams of cordyceps extract per serving, once a day is perfect. 

While cordyceps are safe to consume every day, it is important to follow the dosage advice given by the manufacturer or your physician. 

What not to take cordyceps with?

Cordyceps supplements are generally safe for most people, but there are some things to watch out for when taking them. Cordyceps could cause side effects if taken with certain medicines or vitamins, so it's important to avoid taking them with:

  • Immunosuppressant drugs: cordyceps might stimulate the immune system, so it's not a good idea to take them with drugs that weaken the immune system.
  • Blood-thinning medicines: cordyceps may have anticoagulant qualities, so it is best not to take it with medicines that thin the blood.
  • Other supplements or herbs that affect the immune system, like echinacea or astragalus.

Will cordyceps make me sleepy?

Cordyceps doesn’t typically make people feel sleepy or tired. In fact, it has the opposite effect. According to research, cordyceps boosts energy levels and improves athletic performance and endurance. The study looked into cordyceps’ ability to improve tolerance to high intensity exercise. The findings revealed that “acute supplementation with a Cordyceps militaris containing mushroom blend may improve tolerance to high intensity exercise; greater benefits may be elicited with consistent chronic supplementation.”

Cordyceps has adaptogenic properties, which means it can help the body adapt and improve resilience to stress. Some people who take cordyceps may feel more energized or stimulated instead of sleepy, so it may not be a good idea to take cordyceps mushroom extract before bed.

Is it OK to take cordyceps at night?

Taking cordyceps at night is considered safe, but depending on your needs, nighttime might not be the best time to consume cordyceps. As already mentioned, cordyceps doesn’t make you sleepy and can even make you feel more energized. 

If you're taking cordyceps for energy and physical endurance, it might be better to take it during the day or before hitting the gym.

Can I take cordyceps while fasting?

Taking cordyceps mushrooms during a fast depends on the type of fast. Cordyceps mushrooms are normally free of calories and don’t contain significant amounts of carbs that could disrupt a fast. Some people mix cordyceps powder in their water, juice, or smoothie while fasting. 

However, if you’re following a strict intermittent fasting protocol and consume only water or very low calorie drinks during your fasting windows, it may be best to avoid taking cordyceps. Cordyceps is a nutrient-dense adaptogenic plant. Its rich chemical composition makes it an ideal food to consume during or after intermittent fasting. Consuming cordyceps during intermittent fasting helps to support and regulate your body. 

Does cordyceps affect testosterone?

Cordyceps militaris is believed to improve sexual function, particularly in men, by raising testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone that regulates male sexual health, such as libido, sperm production, and erectile function. Higher testosterone is correlated with normal bone density and muscle strength, healthy sexual and reproductive function, and an overall sense of well-being.

2008 study revealed that cordyceps supplementation had a positive effect on sperm production and mobility in animal models. The rats in the study were given a supplement made from the mycelia of cordyceps mushrooms. After six weeks, the animals showed an increased number of motile sperm cells, which are particularly important for fertility

Can you take cordyceps with coffee?

Adding cordyceps to your coffee in the morning is a great way to start the day. Some people believe that mixing cordyceps and caffeine can boost the energetic effects of both. Cordyceps and coffee are natural energy sources. Cordyceps helps our body improve oxygen intake, while caffeine acts as a stimulant that helps improve alertness and focus. 

We at Hone don’t care much for coffee because our matcha mushroom blend is so much better in every way. Matcha is another superfood with powerful adaptogenic properties. It contains smaller amounts of caffeine than coffee does, so it acts as a stimulant. Combining matcha with cordyceps every morning in the most fragrant organic tea blend is all we need for an energy boost. Satisfaction guaranteed. 

Every person reacts to the ingredients of cordyceps mushrooms and coffee differently. If you’ve never mixed these two before or you’re sensitive to caffeine, consult your doctor before combining cordyceps and coffee. 

Can you have too much cordyceps?

If you take too much cordyceps mushrooms, you may experience some mild side effects. Excessive consumption may cause diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, or allergic reactions. 

To avoid these side effects, take cordyceps in moderation and always follow the manufacturer’s or your doctor’s advice. 

Is Cordyceps militaris a natural cordyceps?

Cordyceps militaris is not the same as natural cordyceps. Natural cordyceps refers to the wild-grown cordyceps mushrooms—like wild Cordyceps sinensis—found in high-altitude areas of China, Tibet, and Nepal. Cordyceps militaris is cultivated in controlled environments, like laboratories. 

The main differences between natural cordyceps and the cultivated kind are price and availability. Natural cordyceps that grows in the wild has become an endangered species due to overharvesting and overexploitation. That’s why wild cordyceps is one of the most expensive fungi on the market. Luckily, as interest in cordyceps mushrooms and their health benefits grows, Cordyceps militaris is becoming more popular, available, and, most importantly, affordable. 

The cordyceps we blend for our mushroom matcha tea isn’t naturally found in the wild, but it is 100% organic. 

Is lion's mane or cordyceps better?

Lion's mane and cordyceps are excellent supplements for health and wellness, but their effects and advantages differ, making it impossible to define which is "better."

Lion's mane has extraordinary therapeutic effects on cognitive function. It may be able to improve memory, focus, and mental clarity. Lion’s mane also promotes brain health, lowering the risk of cognitive decline. 

Cordyceps is well-known for its ability to increase energy, improve endurance, and support the immune system.

The decision between lion's mane and cordyceps is based on your personal health goals and demands. Both supplements can be consumed together because their benefits complement each other, so why choose one?

How is Cordyceps CS4 extract powder made?

Cordyceps CS4 extract powder is created by extracting the active compounds from the cordyceps mushrooms’ fruit body using a hot water extraction technique. (The fruit body is the visible part of the mushroom.) To manufacture the extract powder, the mushroom fruit bodies are dried and processed into a fine powder.

The powder is then combined with boiling water and cooked for several hours. This allows the water to extract the mushroom's active components. The hot water also helps to break down the cell wall of the mushroom, making it easier to extract the medicinal chemicals.The liquid is then filtered to remove any remaining solids, and the resulting extract is spray-dried to form a fine powder. Cordyceps CS4 extract powder contains a concentrated dose of the active compounds found in Cordyceps militaris.

Is Cordyceps sinensis better than militaris?

Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris have potent health benefits that overlap, so it’s hard to say which one is “better.” Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis are two different species of the same cordyceps mushroom genus. 

Cordyceps sinensis, popularly called “caterpillar fungus,” is well-known in Chinese medicine for its traditional use in improving lung function, boosting vitality, and promoting exercise performance. It has been researched for its potential benefits for lowering inflammation, boosting immunological function, and increasing insulin sensitivity. But guess what—so has Cordyceps militaris. C. militaris also shows possible therapeutic effects on cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases. 

The difference between these two species is in their price and availability. C. sinensis is the most expensive fungus in the world. One kilogram of it costs an astounding $20,000. The wild Cordyceps sinensis is a protected species in some regions of the Tibetan Plateau, so its harvest is regulated by law. C. sinensis is also considered an endangered species due to overharvesting and overexploitation. Cultivated types of cordyceps, such as Cordyceps militaris, are available worldwide and cost much less than its endangered cousin. 

If you have more questions about the two popular species of cordyceps mushrooms, feel free to check out our guide to Cordyceps militaris vs Cordyceps sinensis

Can Cordyceps militaris lower blood sugar levels?

Cordyceps militaris may help reduce blood sugar levels. Several studies, both animal and human, have looked into the potential hypoglycemic activity of cordyceps mushrooms. 

One study demonstrated that a hot water extract of Cordyceps militaris considerably improved blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. When compared to the placebo group, those who received the Cordyceps extract had lower fasting blood sugar levels and improved insulin sensitivity.

Another study on rats confirmed that a Cordyceps militaris water extract had a hypoglycemic effect, lowering blood sugar levels and enhancing glucose tolerance. The study compared Cordyceps militaris, Cordyceps sinensis, and several other medicinal mushrooms and found that “C. militaris polysaccharide-enriched fraction displayed a more prominent effect than that of C. sinensis polysaccharide-enriched fraction.” 

The findings of these two studies show that, by regulating blood sugar levels, cordyceps mushrooms have anti-diabetic properties.

What are functional mushrooms good for?

Functional mushrooms are a type of mushroom used for their extraordinary health benefits. One of their most noteworthy health advantages is their ability to boost sex drive and sexual health in men and women. Cordyceps has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years as an aphrodisiac because it is believed to boost testosterone levels and improve men’s health. 

Functional mushrooms are also linked to increased energy, improved immune function, brain health, and mental health. Here’s a list of the most popular fungi, aside from Cordyceps militaris: 

  1. A peculiar fungus called turkey tail is rich in beta-glucans (a group of polysaccharides) that support the immune system. Turkey tail mushrooms are also powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative stress and inflammation. 
  2. Reishi mushrooms have adaptogenic properties that help the body adapt to stressful situations. They can help regulate cortisol levels and produce feelings of peace and relaxation. Reishi mushrooms are also packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
  3. Lion’s mane mushroom is one of the most popular functional shrooms in recent years. It probably owes its popularity to its nerve cell proliferative properties that promote brain health and cognitive function. Lion’s mane contains prebiotics, which ease the growth of good bacteria in the gut. 
  4. Chaga mushrooms have been used in ancient Chinese medicine for their ability to boost the immune system. Similarly to cordyceps mushrooms, chaga contains polysaccharides—most notably beta-glucans—that protect the immune system and support immunological function. Another major Chaga mushroom benefit is that it protects against oxidative stress due to its high amount of antioxidants.


Beneficial Effect of Cordyceps militaris on Exercise Performance via Promoting Cellular Energy Production - PubMed. (2020, November 9). PubMed.

Yi, X., Xi-zhen, H. & Jia-shi, Z.Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial and assessment of fermentation product of Cordyceps sinensis (Cs-4) in enhancing aerobic capacity and respiratory function of the healthy elderly volunteers. Chin. J. Integr. Med. 10, 187–192 (2004).

Hirsch, K. R., Smith-Ryan, A. E., Roelofs, E. J., Trexler, E. T., & Mock, M. G. (2016, July 13).Cordyceps militaris improves tolerance to high intensity exercise after acute and chronic supplementation. PubMed Central (PMC).

Effect of Cordyceps militaris supplementation on sperm production, sperm motility and hormones in Sprague-Dawley rats - PubMed. (2008, January 1). PubMed.

Dong, Y., Jing, T., Meng, Q., Liu, C., Hu, S., Ma, Y., Liu, Y., Lu, J., Cheng, Y., Wang, D., & Teng, L. (2014, March 11).Studies on the Antidiabetic Activities of Cordyceps militaris Extract in Diet-Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Sprague-Dawley Rats. PubMed Central (PMC).

Hypoglycemic activity of the fungi Cordyceps militaris, Cordyceps sinensis, Tricholoma mongolicum, and Omphalia lapidescens in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats - PubMed. (2006, October 1). PubMed.

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