1% of Sales to The Environment! - HONE
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1% of Sales to The Environment!

  • 2 min read

1% of Sales to The Environment! - HONE

Earth Day began 51 years ago on April 22nd 1970. On this day, roughly 20 million Americans ~ 10% of the United States population protested, taking to the streets, parks, and auditoriums across the country. Before 1970, the country had accepted pollution from cars and lead in the air as the norm. Industry waste, negatively impacting the environment wasn't a main stream issue nor a major concern from the mass population. 

The 1969 large oil spill in Santa Barbara combined with the already mobile Vietnam protestor population, sparked a day of unrest. A day for individuals to speak up and announce their growing recognition of industrial activities that created harmful environmental impacts. This day on 1970 led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and jump started the much needed environmental movement towards sustainability.

50 years later, we have come a long way!

Humankind's efforts to help the planet are becoming serious and they should be recognized. Organizations across the globe are trying to reduce the plastic in our oceans, there are efforts to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere, and electric cars are beginning to reduce emissions from gasoline. 

We all also know, that we have a long way to go.

Climate change has begun to show its face through more intense weather events.

  • Snow in Texas
  • Heat waves in the Antarctic
  • Wildfire season longer and more intense

We all must begin to do our part.

We can make change. Everyday, every action we do. We each can be apart of the movement to make our planet healthier, more sustainable, and more beautiful. 

Here at Hone we strive to make our packaging and product the most sustainable we can. Every aspect, from our clean, recyclable and reusable jars, to how we package and ship our orders, we have spent the time and effort to try to ensure each is as sustainable as we can make it.

We have a long way to go! The most important is we are doing everything in our power to make a sustainable company.

1% for the planet

On this Earth day, we are announcing our dedication to our Earth by launching our official partnership with 1% for the planet which means we will donate 1% of our revenue to environmental sustainability, whether we are profitable or not.

1% of all sales will go to support vetted environmental impact organizations, non-profits, communities, and individuals who are doing work to clean this planet and grow our world into the place we all know it can be. 

This wonderful foundation was founded by Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia as a promise to put the planet as a top priority. Since its inception, 1% has gained global notoriety and respect from corporations and individuals alike. Today, 1% has over 3000 participating businesses and we have joined their ranks. While our contributions aren't massive just yet, we take solace knowing that we are dedicating a piece of our valuable revenue stream to help preserve and rebuild our planet. 

We are not taking to the streets, like they did 51 years ago, but we are making our statement in the best way we know how. 

We leave you with one question,

What do you think your responsibility to our planet is?

With love and respect,

The HONE team.

